Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I am a slave. This may sound shocking but when you really sit down and analyze it most of us are in some way or another. There are many manifestations of slavery in our lives. If you are employed by another - you're a slave. If you are in debt - you're a slave. If you rely upon the local grocer for your food...yep - a slave. If you're reliant upon the utility company for powering the appliances in your home...you guessed it - a slave. Where's your water come from? How about your clothing? The list could go on and on. The important question to ask is what will you do about it? Do you even care? I do. As a result, I have decided to make strides towards reducing or eliminating my dependence upon others for what my family needs to support itself. This is the journey we have been on for a couple of years now. In these pages I have purposed to document where we've come from, where we're going and what we learn on the way.

-- Post From My iPhone

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